Sunday, January 18, 2015

Week 23 - It's official I'm a fish

Day 82 (January 18, 2014):  2500m Total 102.314 km. 
Day 81 (January 16, 2014):  2500m Total 99.814 km. 
Day 80 (January 15, 2014):  2550m Total 97.314 km. 
Day 79 (January 14, 2014):  2500m Total 94.764 km. - I hit 100 lengths in 1 hour 10 minutes 
Day 78 (January 13, 2014):  2250m Total 92.264 km. 
Day 77 (January 12, 2014):  1850m Total 90.014 km. 

This week I surprised myself by swimming 13.50km and once.... 90 lengths in one session wow- that's about 1080 strokes.
And then the next day 100 lengths in 70minutes... that's one length every .7 mins which is 60x .7 seconds = 42seconds

Over 100km now.
Out of 312km
That is one third there....

I love a use for maths....
I began swimming at North Glenmore for my 53rd day of swimming...
I am now at my 82nd day of swimming.
So I have swum 29 days at North Glenmore and covered  102.314 -54.614 = 47.7km

That averages at 1.6km a day... though I am doing more like 2km a day now
I still have 210km to go which at the more conservative rate means I will make it in about 131 days.
6 days a week = almost 22 weeks.... 

Let's see what the next week brings.
For now this is where I am.


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